Disk No: 2051 Disk Title: TAPCIS PC-SIG Version: S5.3 Program Title: TapCis Author Version: 5.3 Author Registration: $79.00 Special Requirements: Access to CompuServe. Hard drive recommended. TAPCIS automates the use of CompuServe and, in the process, reduces connect time to a minimum. The time-consuming tasks of reading or replying are done using the facilities of your own computer where the computer time is "free." This efficiency can save you a great deal of money. If it takes ten minutes to compose a message online, it could cost you two dollars or more. Prepared offline and sent with TAPCIS, the cost might be as low as 22 cents for the same message. TAPCIS makes it possible for you to actively participate in the forum without destroying your budget. PC-SIG 1030D East Duane Avenue Sunnyvale Ca. 94086 (408) 730-9291 (c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.